
Epilogue To William Golding's Lord Of The Flies

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“Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood.” We, my men and I, were all shouting proudly. I think it was the first time in this island, in more than a year, a smile came out my face. I have finally got this pig I so waited for. No one knows how important this is to me. Now, the other boys will finally realize how much better I am than Ralph. I’ll have power, and things will start to work out in this island. I was so excited, that I couldn’t stop talking about it, I kept repeating every little detail. Ralph approached to me with no expression and just kept staring. “So...” someone in the back said. “You let the fire out.” Ralph said and continued to stare. “Okay, I’ll light it again. But you should see how I cut the pig’s throat and...” “No, your not understanding, you let the fire out.” he interrupted me and shouted, “A ship just passed, we could be in our way back home by now!” Ralph lowered his head. …show more content…

In less than a second, all the glorious thoughts were replaced for the horrible memories of my father beating me and locking me in that small dark room. I could hear my dad’s voice inside my head, “Again, you let everyone down. Why couldn’t I have a child to be proud of?” I felt my blood moving faster, an uncontrollable anger was going to my head, everyone was looking at me like if it was my fault. Piggy started making his annoying meaningless speeches and that was the last straw. I went forward and hit him in the stomach. Ralph tried to defend him so I hit Piggy again, in the face, with

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