
Epilogue To Arthur Miller's Play, An Inspector Calls

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“Hello,” I smiled to the secretary. “Good afternoon, how may I help you?” She didn’t look up from her computer as she typed at an alarming pace. “I was hoping you could tell me where the conference room for the international meeting can be located?” The typing stopped, she peered at me sceptically. “Name?” “I don’t think the reservation is under my name.“ “No, I mean country name.” She rolled her eyes and pulled out a binder that held the calendar. “Why, England, of course!” I beamed at her. “You certainly don’t look like Arthur, I thought some new country came too early. Who are you?” She put the binder away and looked through a contacts of a small booklet. “I am Oliver. Mr. Kirkland is sick so he has sent me in his place.” I gulped …show more content…

You know how much that Brit loves to work, he might finally be feeling the pain of his labour. Besides, Oliver here wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Allen tried to pat the American into a relaxed state, but his actions were doing the exact opposite. “I suppose so,” the representative of our former colony exclaimed, not looking entirely convinced. “Now then, Mr. Kirkland’s notes state his worries for the future generations of our world. As you all may know, the overall environment of the earth is steadily getting worse,” I proclaimed. From there, other countries added commentary about how “global warming” wasn’t real or how these suggested changes may affect crucial industries. They were mostly more concerned for their businesses than the environment. The only one who seemed to be listening intently was Allen. After going through the most important points of Mr. Kirkland’s notes I called for a break, which everyone was more than thankful for. Allen approached me as I sat for a quick breath. He patted my back and praised my attempt to lead the conference. “I think you did great! Would you like to grab lunch with us, Ollie?” My stomach grumbled at the thought of a proper meal. Allen laughed heartily and grabbed my hand, leading us to his

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