
Epigenetic Analysis Sequencing

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Epigenetics represents a complex layer onside DNA sequence reflecting the environmental factors. It studies the changes in organisms lead to gene expression level change but the genetic code stay the same. Epigenetics factors play an important role in regulating gene expression. There are two main components of the epigenetic code, DNA methylation and histone modification. Epigenetics changes are common in different areas, across different species. For human, epigenetics is extremely important on complex disease or disorder studies.

Compared with genetics sequencing, most epigenetics applications are suitable for using short-read sequencing. It still requires 25-75bp in length to confidently map a DNA fragment to its correct reference genome. Most of the epigenome methods require high resolution and some of them even require base-pair resolution. High resolution is essential for determining the precise DNA sequence bound by transcription factors and other regulatory elements. Besides that, the higher the solution, the easier to identify single binding sites within a cluster of closely spaced sites. The resolution of the epigenome is important to understand chromatin structure. There are various epigenomic methods that have been described in the previous paper. So my project is about different high-resolution methods to study diverse aspects of the epigenome. Especially I focus on ChIP-seq (Chromatin Immunoprecipitation sequencing) technique’s analysis and its application direction, as an example to represent the way to use big data in epigenetics. …show more content…

They summarized how various genome-wide tools allow studying the diverse aspects of the epigenome from five different aspects. I am going to focus on three parts of

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