
Epidemiology Of RSV Essay

Decent Essays

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a virus that leads to contagion of the lungs and respiratory system. The virus is widespread across America, but is widely spread in Florida where they are suffering from this virus for eight months of the year (figure1). As a result of that, most children in Florida in these months ache from RSV symptoms for examples, blue fingernails and lips, difficulty breathing and dehydration and these symptoms can cause chronic diseases at the long-term. This research will discuss epidemiology of RSV in USA between 1956 and 2015, treatment and prevention.

Figure 1. RSV spread in USA (2013, 2014).

To start with, RSV affects both genders, but it mostly affected pregnant woman because she will have weak immune system during pregnancy …show more content…

Doctor Christopher Toshio discovered the virus infects the airways and lungs of the people, causing injury severe acute respiratory syndrome, indicating that immune cells known, as "T" cells are particularly active during infection. The researchers found that these cells are in memory alert other immune cells that are activated to attack the virus and fight the infection. Also, they found that people who have the largest number of these cells, they are less susceptible to this virus, so they added when they improve some medication to stimulates these cells to do its part, it is an effective way to averts this virus (Toshio, 2015). Still nowadays there is not specific medication for RSV. The doctor can give RSV patient medication to reduce heat and pain relief for example, Paracetamole or Ibuprofen.

In conclusion, this research illustrated the epidemiology of RSV in USA between 1956 and 2015. RSV patients at high risk of chronic disease like pneumonia and inflammation of the middle ear. In my opinion, the family must take care of their children to prevent infected by any

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