
Epic Of Beowulf Essay-Specific Vibes Of Christianity

Decent Essays

The characters of Beowulf give off specific vibes of Christianity. Beowulf the main character is the foundation of what role the religion had to play in the epic. Several parts of the story place Beowulf as a worshiper and the worshipped. For example, worshipper Beowulf pleas to God many times during his fights with the monsters. Mentioned in Beowulf he would have lost if it weren’t for god “Helped to save him: holy God decided the victory.” (NAWL, 1271. 1553-54). Then Beowulf as the worshipped can be related to Jesus. Beowulf is going around slaying monsters with his 12 companions gaining a reputation, becoming stronger and more well known for his feats. The relation to Christianity is through Jesus and his 12 apostles roaming around performing miracles, saving souls, and making a reputation mainly for their faith. Regarding pagan religion Beowulf …show more content…

He was a battle harden warrior that loved to fight; unlike most Christians that would rather love and avoid conflicts. However, during this period Christians were placed in a hostile environment and to protect themselves they had to take arms. So, the result comes out to Christianity being a religion mixed with both Christianity and Pagan faiths. The combination of these two make up what would have been defined as Christianity during this time in agreement with Teitein’s statement” These critical discussions that undertake to make the poem’s elements compatible with Christian thought” (Teitien, 160). I believe that for the average Christian during this time being virous and willing to go such lengths for their faith defined them as a good Christian; supporting that Christianity played a role for the characters in the poem. Related to Beowulf and his conflicts with monsters; the warriors were soldiers of Christ that were to crush the enemies of the faith. This gave evidence that supported the possibility that Beowulf was acting entirely on Christian

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