
Enzyme Lab Report Essay

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Introduction: Enzymes are proteins that are essential to our body because it acts as a catalase to speed up chemical reactions within the body using less energy. Enzyme is very specific, it works like a key and lock method by having the exact substrate binding to the enzyme’s active site. Even though enzyme can be reuse to a point that they are denatured. When something is denatured there shape become deform and no longer works. When enzyme doesn’t work our body reactions slows down to a point where it all stops together. All Enzymes reaches there optimal level before it slows down, enzyme also have a specific range of pH and temperature that they can function through. For instance the enzyme that is presented in the mouth can endure a pH around 7 while those in the stomach can endure a pH of 2.0 if the enzyme were to go to the wrong pace than they would become denatured because they can handle the accidences or the bases produced by the organs. Enzyme can also be denatured if they are exposing to extreme heat. As the temperature gets colder the rate of the enzyme will become less efficient and when it’s hotter the heat generate more kinetic energy for the enzyme and substrate making …show more content…

In this journal entry it states “receiving experimental exposure of rotenone for 24h to study the oxidative stress-induced cytotoxicity and apoptotic cell death in human liver cells-HepG2, the result shows that there is a deficiency in cellular antioxidant defenses, glutathione, catalase, and superoxide dismutase levels”. (3) The specific aim of this research is to understand how enzyme work within our body and what causes them to become faulty, with the right knowledge and studies there might be a chance that one day enzyme can be transform into its original state which will help cure diseases such diabetes, Alzheimer, and other incurable

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