
Environmental Stewardship Personal Statement

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In the world today, there is a gap between science and policymaking and civil society. Different perspectives and, different in a way, “languages” have prevented solving dilemmas that transcend these boundaries like global warming. Throughout high school and college, I have attempted to bridge this divide and combine both science and policymaking lenses in order to use my skills and knowledge in each area to have an impact on the world. This is the reason I have chosen to major in environmental science and political science. I fundamentally believe that an interdisciplinary approach is the only way that we can handle these multilayered and complex problems that pose the greatest risk to society.

I believe that interning in the Environmental Stewardship program presents the best opportunity to help me build a foundation for what I want to do. Resolving issues like climate change adaptation and greening supply chains involves engaging multiple stakeholders. To mitigate the effects of global warming, it is imperative to consider environmental, economic, and political issues. These problems have multiple dimensions that require people that can work within and across these various subject areas. My second choice is the Small Islands internship because it likewise combines issues of governance and environmental challenges. However, this program is focused on the disproportional impacts that climate change will have on small islands like rising sea levels and …show more content…

I had many debates over issues like ocean ecosystem management, coastal climate change adaptation policies, and sustainable agriculture. I had to advocate for different solutions and consider a breadth of research in order to decide what to advocate. I have been immersed in this literature base and have an intimate knowledge of many of these issues, not just from a textbook, but from actual policy proposals or legal

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