
Environmental Challenges Facing The American Auto Industry Essay

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Environmental challenges facing the American auto industry
BUS1101 Unit 5 Written Assignment
University of the People
Environmental challenges facing the American auto industry
The traditional internal combustion engine has been the mainstream automobile power source and even after the next generation vehicle engines made an appearance. The new generation engines still have not entirely taken over its position as of yet. “One hundred years later, oil now accounts for about 95 percent of the global transportation sector fuel and 13 percent of global greenhouse gas emission. (Clements 2014)” The environmental damage from the internal combustion engine is still a major problem. “Cars produce dangerous chemicals such as nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxide (SOx) and carbon monoxide emissions. (Clements
2014)”. Another issue of the internal combustion engine is still low energy conversion efficiency even today. Only about 14 to 30 percent of the energy from the fuel in your car is converted to moving the car (Clements 2014)”. The auto company technologies and innovations indeed have been improving tremendously to contribute to reducing carbon emissions, dangerous pollutants, and to loss of energy in the last 20 years, however, the question is whether the industry still is able to provide better solutions or not.
Big Three car manufacturers have

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