
Environmental Action Contract Paper

Decent Essays

Environmental Action Contract Living life in fast forward seems to be a moto that has consumed my lifestyle. Time seems to escape me considering I work almost forty hours a week, I’m enrolled in six classes, play soccer, and still try to have a social life. Unfortunately, after evaluating my choices that affect the environment, my ecological footprint is making a harmful impact on the environment. Throughout this paper I will discuss my impact on the environment and go through how I will change my behaviors to help the environment. A reduction in my ecological footprint may not save the Earth, but it will make a difference. I will be taking many steps these next few weeks to reduce my impact, and I plan on continuing these lifestyle changes …show more content…

Taking fewer showers would be ideal, but going back to the idea that I work a lot and play soccer I don’t think a lot of people would like if I didn’t shower as much. A better solution for me would be taking shorter showers. A majority of time I take up to fifteen minute showers. However, I am only actually cleaning myself for probably three to five minutes of the time. Setting a timer to a restricted amount of time to shower will help save water, and reduce un-needed time in the shower.
Although there are not many excuses to my consumption of unhealthy, over processed, and packaged foods, I am planning on reducing my consumptions of food like this. I have resorted to eating foods that are convenient rather than healthy (for myself and the environment). From now on I plan on buying more whole foods from the store, that are healthier for me. Also foods with less packaging that produce less waste. This meets using reusable water bottles, not buying packaged brownies, etc.
The final lifestyle change I am going to make is recycling. I was not raised in a household that recycled, therefore, I never picked up that habit as I grew up. My behaviors have lead to a lot of unnecessary waste. By starting to recycle I can make a better impact on the

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