
English Orgin Dbq

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The English orgin contained the largest number of settlers that were located in the Chesapeake and New England region in the New World. Everyone who was from the English orgin, grew up believing the same thing. The New World gave those people a chance at different freedoms and a difference of opinion other that what the settlers grew up believing. Overtime, the once similar regions evolved into two different societies because of three conveyed points; cultural differences between others, different social classes, and those people that would rebell against their own people. The future of America was altered when once shy people, grew bold and expressed their newfound values. The English people were all built on the same values, but a new place allowed for people to experience and cherish new things. According to Document A, ¨We must be knit together in this work as one man¨(Winthrop, Document A). Before 1700, the settlers though that to work together, they would need to be focused on the same core values and beliefs. This changed as the new world offered new cultural opportunities. …show more content…

The top class were always the wise and wealthy. The low class were the slaves and homeless. According to Document F, ¨The rest of us patiently obeyed our vile commanders and bought our provisions at fifteen times the value¨(Document F, Smith). The settlement was divided from the beginning, but the continuing of defined classes made people want to break away from was once was their values. According to Document D, ¨We intend that our town shall be composed of forty families, and poor¨(Articles of Agreement, Document D). The leaders wanted to incorporate both rich and poor families into their settlement, but everyone knew that only the rich thrived and the poor would just survive. These examples draw the line for the poor seeking equality somewhere else and causing a difference is the once knit

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