UNIT TITLE: English for Engineering
UNIT TUTOR: Claire Brett
TITLE OF ASSIGNMENT: Coursework: Essay
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SIGNED (A typed name is fine): Tianyuan Li
DATE: 22/03/15
Briefly Outline the History of the Development of the Computer and Discuss the Challenges and Opportunities for the Future
Tianyuan Li (Norman)
This essay is to talk about the brief
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[1] It did anticipate the four components essential to modern computing. These four main parts of a computer are recognized as input, storage, processing and output. The problem with those ancient type of mechanical calculators was they did not have enough processing speed and their calculating accuracy was low
What made modern computers possible was the invention of something that could do the calculations and other information processing with no moving parts and do it in a high speed path. That problem was solved when electronic components were introduced to the people and with that design, a fast and efficient machine such as Babbage proposed was possible be built with all four essential components to modern computing.
The history of computers begin with the invention of ENIAC in 1946 which is regarded as the first general purpose electronic computer. The computer was initially developed for the code-solving use in World War II, but it was not completed until the war had ended. It was installed at the University of Pennsylvania with 40 separate eight-foot-high and 18,000 tubes installed. In 1965, the first commercial minicomputer, the PDP-8, was successfully developed by the DEC and the invention of IBM Personal Computer in 1981 was a complete package with the similar content to nowadays computers. The computer started to be much similar to the computers we know
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The well-known theory of the Berlin aesthetic theorist Friedrich Kittler was necessary for the development of the computer. The first computer was called “Colossus” and was used for military purposes. Another technological invention was the “ATM” and it was set out during the 1960’s but invented in the 1940’s. The computer when it was originally invented was used for deciphering Nazi enigma codes to try and figure out what the codes were trying to get out to the other Nazis. The computer worked very well with the enigma codes and it was one of the reasons that we won the war; the fact that we could basically listen in on the Nazi’s communications. The maker of the computer, Konrad Zuse, had intended the computer to be made for civilian use at first, but then the first computer ended up being used for the military
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The first generation of electronic computers was characterized by hulking monstrosities of tubes and wires, housed in metal. The first programmable electronic computer was Colossus. Completed in 1943, Colossus contained
Currently, computers are used for everything in life. For example, from researching for a large essay project to playing video games with friends. “From the outset, computers were weighed for both military and commercial significance, and hence they straddled the very institutional boundaries that central to this study. It is also significant that computers became valuable research instruments in nearly all disciplines.” (Akera, 2). The first digital computer was constructed in 1946 by John Mauchly, a professor, and Presper Eckert, an inventor. “They met by chance in 1941 at the University of Pennsylvania’s Moore School of Engineering. They soon developed a revolutionary vision: to use electricity as a means of computing--in other words, to make electricity "think."” (McCartney, 1). They were ignored by their colleagues, but in 1943 they were becoming more well known and was funded by the U.S Army. The U.S Army was seeking for a contraption that can quickly calculate ballistic missile trajectories in wartime Europe and Africa (McCartney, 1). John Mauchly and Presper Eckert led a team that constructed the computer that occupied 1,800 square feet and weighed thirty tons. They named the large computer, ENIAC, Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. The process of building this machine was not an effortless task, Mauchly and Presper and their team had to overcome many problems
There have been many advances since the initial invention of the computer fifty years ago. Today, computers operate many of the things that we use in everyday life. Some examples of these things are farm machinery, cars, planes, video games, heat and water delivery to our homes, banking, billing, and even the stock market. The advances of the computer have resulted in the
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I certify that the attached work is entirely my own, except where material quoted or paraphrased is acknowledged in the text. I also declare that it has not been submitted for assessment in any other unit or course.
The computer industry has come a long way since its first inception with the invention of Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer in 1946. This industry is comprised of many items such as computers, monitors, printers, scanners, mainframes, servers, electronic computer components, networking and workstations to name a
The origin of the computer resides with the military. The computer itself was created by the military during the Cold War era, when we were in a technological race with Russia. This race was the fuel for massive advancements in technology especially in the sector of computer intelligence. The first Computer’s were physically large enough to fill an entire room. They were used to manage large quantities of data in textual and numerical form. The government backed certain research facilities in the advancement of the computer and some investigated and experimented in computer technology with art and music. 1
The author, Wilkes, of this journal article reviews and criticizes Charles Babbage and his engines. The title of the journal questions the current position Charles Babbage is known for, the father of computing. Wilkes considers Babbage a “great uncle” of computing science instead of the father and gives further details as in to why. The author doesn’t only criticize Babbage’s work but also informs the readers on how they operate and what their function is.
The first ever computer was invented in the 1820s by Charlse Babbage. However the first electronic digital computer were developed between 1940 and 1945 in the United States and in the United Kingdom. They were gigantic, originally the size of a large room, and also need to be supply a large amount of power source which is equivalent as several hundred modern personal computers. The history of computer hardware covers the developments from simple devices to aid calculation, to mechanical calculators, punched card data processing and on to modern stored program computers. The tools or mechanical tool used to help in calculation are called calculators while the machine operator that help in calculations is called computer. At first the