
England Throughout History

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England. What is the first word you think of when you hear, England? You may think of their history and its effect. Another thought that could be is London. London is the capital and heart of England that has its own history. Throughout history England has contributed so much, good and bad. With that contribution England is one of the well most known country that is known for poise, history, and tradition.
English history began in 500,000 BC with a boxgrove man from West Sussex. He was the first human known in England. In 55 BC Julius Ceasar invaded England for Rome. After Cesar took control Roman control lasted for 400 years. From 449-550 Jutes, Angles, and Saxons arrived in England and took control. In the beginning of the ninth century the Vikings came and invaded England. The Vikings controlled North and East England. In 897 Alfred the great defeated the vikings living in England. Another important date in England’s history is 1067 when the Tower of London began being structured. (England. China: CTSP, 2010. Print) In 1154 Henry II becomes the king. The next king, John became king in 1215 and signed the magna carta. 1348-49 was a hard time for England because the black death kills one third of the population. A long time after the black death was over in 1476 William Caxton set up England’s first printing service. In 1485 Henry VII is crowned the King of England. Also during 1485 the “Act of Union” unified the England, Wales, and Scotland. The three countries were

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