
Energy Crisis : Individual Research Briefing

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Tasmanian Energy Crisis
Individual Research Briefing Paper

Haya Daghlas | ID: 785864 | 19 September 2016
Executive Summary
300 Words

Table of Contents
Executive Summary 2
1 Introduction 4
1.1 Background 4
1.2 Purpose and Scope 4
1.3 Client 4
1.4 The Structure 4
2 Meeting the current energy demand 5
2.1 Findings 5
2.1.1 Energy Capacity and demand in Tasmania 5
2.1.2 The Tasmanian Energy Crisis 6
2.1.3 Temporary response 6
2.1.4 The Tamar Valley Power Station (TVPS) Facts and Figures 6
2.2 Recommendation no. 1 7
3 Increasing the energy storage level 8
3.1 Findings 8
3.1.1 Currant energy storage level 8
3.1.2 Rainfall forecast for 2016 8
3.1.3 Cloud Seeding 8
3.1.4 Energy Security Risk Assessment 8
3.1.5 Critical storage level 9
3.2 Recommendation no. 2 9
4 Conclusion 10

1 Introduction
1.1 Background
The State of Tasmania is currently facing an Energy Crisis that threatens the energy security (Matthew Groom, 2016). In normal energy supply the state obtains 66% from Hydro dams, 14% from The Basslink, 11% Thermal energy, and 9% from Renewable Wind Energy (Tasmanian Economic, January 2016).
In 2015 Tasmania experienced the lowest rainfall in over 100 years of recorded history. (Matthew Groom, 2016) as a result the energy generated by Hydro dams dropped down to 14%, followed by Basslink cable outage in December 2015 (ABC News, 2016).
1.2 Purpose and Scope
Our team goal is to come up with viable recommendations to solve the currant Tasmanian

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