
Endophagogastrograde Cholango-Pancreatography

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What is the difference between an EGD and an ERCP? What are their functions?

The acronym for ERCP stands for Endoscopic Retrograde Cholango- Pancreatography. ERCP has a fiberlike inserter called the endoscope. An endoscope is a camera that is attached at the end following along with flouroscope that placed in the throat slowly to the pancrea to to how the pancrea and gallbladder. At this point the MRI machine takes images of the diagnostic. The ERCP is for patients in the hospital that has disorders with bile and pancreatic ducts.

The Endophagogastroduodenoscopy is an endoscopic test that dilates the esophagus, stomach and small intestine. This procedure is to diagnose and treat the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. When getting this procedure the physician would place a endoscope from your mouth to your throat with a long blendable tube that appears to be a video camera. A light is attached to visualize the upper part of the GI tract down to the video images. …show more content…

My husband took off for 2 days meanwhile my mother came to visit us for a week. Even I got a little help from my 14 year old son. It is a huge gap of 14 years in between my children. I would never forget how much pain I endured, crying spells and depression. I stayed tired with little rest because I would be up all night with the baby. I was dealing with these emotionals for atleast a month. Eventually, I felt better but had to get use to having a baby around and including him with every step I made. Therefore I do understand the importance of postpartum care provides support for new mothers during the care of having a newborn. The purpose of postpartum care is make sure the new mother transition pleasant and smooth. Some women breastfeed, need help with bathing, diapering, light cooking,

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