
Endodontic Retreatment

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The goal of endodontic treatment is to promote the healing by prevention of apical periodontitis (AP) and to re-establish healthy periapical tissue 1. In spite of advances in endodontics, there are numerous factors contribute to endodontic treatment failure which includes residual necrotic pulp tissue, root canal over fillings, presence of periradicular lesions and periodontal disease. When root canal therapy fails, treatment options include orthograde re-treatment, periradicular surgery or extraction. Nonsurgical endodontic retreatment procedures are performed as the first choice to eliminate or reduce the microbial infection when the initial root canal therapy fails. The main goal of nonsurgical endodontic retreatment is to completely remove …show more content…

These apically extruded materials are responsible for postoperative inflammation and flare-up or even failure of apical healing. According to Huang et al most appropriate retreatment technique should be selected to remove as much of the pre-existing filling material as completely as possible while minimizing the amount of apical extrusion4. Apart from shaping and finishing files, a new generation of nickel-titanium rotary instruments are also available. It contains a retreatment system, which is designed for root filling removal in case of retreatment4. Recently, the R-Endo (Micro-Mega, Besancon, France), and S5 retreatment files (Sendoline, Sweden) a new instrumentation system specifically dedicated to retreatment procedures has been developed. The files have a triangular cross-section with three equally spaced cutting edges and no radial land; the tip of the files is claimed to be inactive5. Furthermore, no studies have quantitatively assessed the amount of debris extruded apically in the retreatment procedure along with time for removal of filling material performed using the R-Endo and S5 retreatment systems. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to quantitatively evaluate the amount of debris extruded apically during the removal of root canal filling and time taken for removal of root canal filling material using the Pro-taper, R-Endo, S5 retreatment systems and hand

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