
Ender's Game Movie Vs Book Essay

Decent Essays

Inconsistencies Between the Ender’s Game Book and Movie
“The adults are the enemies, not the other armies. They do not tell us the truth." (Card 82) This quote captures the essence of one of the main points in the book Ender’s Game- and yet it, like numerous other parts of the plot, fans found cut from the movie. Differences in plot included character changes, added romance, and differences in setting. In character development, changes comprise of personality changes, less group development time, and less dynamic changes in characters. With use of detail, changes involve age discrepancies, lack of Ender’s genius, and liberties taken with setting appearance.
When compared, the plots of the movie and book Ender’s Game differ greatly. Initially, …show more content…

Written from the point of view of a ridiculously observant genius boy, the book Ender’s Game left little to the imagination. The movie, though, written in third person Primarily, the ages of the children in the Battle School range from about ten to seventeen, when the book stated that the oldest seemed about fourteen and the youngest-Bean- looked about four. In the book, the young ages of the children showed how the government exploited children for their own means. Ender himself looks ten, and in contrast to the six of the book, this seems to lessen his brilliance as a commander. Additionally, Hollywood cuts Ender’s combat philosophy out of the movie. During the entirety of the film, the audience only saw a quote at the beginning of Ender’s talking about loving his enemy. Producers cut quotes about the orientation of the enemy’s gate, pain as a part of a person, and the roles of children. They take away nearly every bit of Ender’s brilliance. The battle room also shows how Hollywood took liberties with Ender’s Game. Described in the book as a small, white, square room, fans received quite a shock when the Battle Room made its first appearance in the movie as a transparent, spherical

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