
End Of Life Care Scenarios

Good Essays

As we study and learn more about the importance of end-of-life care and we also learn about the positive implications of advanced care planning on patients and families alike. Coping with terminal illness and declining health is difficult but having clear and frank discussions about patient and family desires early on allow health providers to focus on what matters most. This paper presents a real life end-of-life care scenario. It then identifies some of the barriers to family-centered care within the scenario and analyzes strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats present. Finally, scenario outcomes are examined and critiqued. End-of-Life Care Scenario Last year I cared for a 91-year-old gentleman with advanced dementia who was septic from a poorly treated stage IV decubitus ulcer. The man lived nearby with his frail 90-year-old wife. The couple had outlived both their children and most of their family and relatives. They relied on the help of a grandson whose involvement with the couple was questionable and a granddaughter who lived out of state. The couple’s neighbor and pastor where the only other two reliable sources of support. Both the patient and his wife were well known to the staff. Unfortunately, the couple was growing increasingly weak and experiencing greater difficulty in caring for themselves. When the wife …show more content…

For this couple planning family-oriented care was complicated by the couple’s lack of familial support, the caregiver’s age, and concern for the patient’s safety. Unfortunately the elderly couple in the scenario had outlived their children and most of their extended family members. Hence they relied on the help of grandchildren, neighbors, and members of clergy. Despite these support mechanisms the patient’s frail elderly spouse remained the primary

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