
End Of Food

Decent Essays

The End of Food Questionnaire Answers Numerous people always seem to be looking for an alternative to the expensive and unhealthy lifestyle of buying and consuming food. However, Rob Rhinehart devised a solution with his revolutionary product called Soylent. Soylent is an inexpensive drink that acts as a substitute for food. Containing thirty-five different kinds of nutrients, this drink is quite healthy and gives the drinker the energy they need to get through the day. The name of the drink has been a point of controversy for many years. Due to the movie “Soylent Green” that was made in 1973, Rhinehart’s product is often associated with the wafers, also called Soylent Green, that were made out of human flesh. The name also sounds …show more content…

Drinking the liquid day and night gives the drinker frequent gas and mild stomach aches for the first couple weeks. The smell is also unpleasant, and consuming this makes the person realize how much of their life they have spent preparing and eating food. Despite these problems, the drinker has a constant amount of energy throughout the entire day, saves money on groceries each week, and lives a healthier lifestyle. After trying it for the first time, Lizzie Widdicombe, the author of “The End of Food” in the The New Yorker, discovered how convenient Rhinehart’s product was. However, she was unwilling to continue using it. After three days she could smell the unpleasant aroma of the beverage on her fingers, clothes, and even her face. Her stomach also was having a hard time adjusting to digesting only liquids. The worst struggle s faced was how much she was craving real food, even though she wasn’t hungry.
The most common groups of people that would benefit from Soylent is college students. Busy lives, small apartments, and low paying jobs all amount to the same problem: how to maintain a healthy lifestyle when there is no time to cook and no money to purchase nutritional foods. Soylent is so convenient that it solves each of these problems and helps with their overall

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