
Enchantress From The Stars Theme Analysis

Decent Essays

Throughout the novel, “Enchantress from the Stars,” there are many themes the author Sylvia Engdahl portrays in her writing. One theme that really stuck with me throughout the novel was the idea of sacrifice. The dictionary definition of sacrifice focuses on death, however, to me sacrifice can be shown in many ways; whether you’re sacrificing your life or something as simple as giving up something for someone else because it’s the right thing to do. Several characters portray this sacrifice theme throughout the novel by courageously putting their life on the line for the fate of the empire. One example in the novel of sacrifice was at the very beginning when they first landed on Andrecia and they encountered imperials. “It was a laser of some kind; it made no sound, and the flash was unbearably bright. When I got my eyes open again, Ilura was gone. Just gone! ‘Her shield!’ I whispered numbly. ‘What happened to her shield?’ Evrek faced me. ‘She didn’t use it. The shield would have given her away; the Imperials would have known she was alien’” (Engdahl 24). This quote showcases the theme because Illura sacrificed her life for the sake of the empire and the Youngling worlds. Illura attacked the men unshielded knowing she would be …show more content…

“Jarel’s face darkened. For a moment he seemed torn by indecision; then, without hesitating, he pulled out his own stunner and fired. Not at Georyn, but at the man who in the next instant would have dealt with this strange and unwelcome phenomenon by vaporizing the native responsible for it” (Engdahl 251). This quote exemplifies the theme of sacrifice because Jarel who was on the side of the imperials stunned his own associate who was going to kill Georyn. This is sacrifice because Georyn will now have to face the consequences of hurting a member of his own shipmate. He will potentially lose his career and go to jail because he saved an

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