
Essay about Employee Satisfaction Survey Analysis

Decent Essays

Employee Satisfaction Survey Analysis The issue of increasing employee turnover has been the subject of concern for ABC International. The human capital department has reported a sharp increase in employee turnover for the past year and it has been decided that the best approach to resolving this matter would be to first conduct a research. A secondary step would be to take completed Exit Interviews for the past three years. Using these two information, ABC would be able to analyze and get a big picture of how separated and current employees feel about the various aspects of the company such as compensation and benefits package, career advancement, training and education etc. The company believes that the three main driving reasons …show more content…

Out of this ranking, the highest or most satisfied ranking employees could give is a rate of 5. These five levels of choices are called ordinal measurements. Lind, Marcal, Mason and Cooper, in their book entitled Business Statistics and Research, defined ordinal measurement as "data that can be logically ranked are referred to as ordinal measures" (2003, p. 351). Participants of this study would find ease of use by simply providing numerical or quantitative ranking (fixed alternative questions). Furthermore, collecting quantitative data would assist researchers, the human capital team, in two ways: 1) an Excel spreadsheet that would accept codes/rankings can easily be created and 2) translation of these responses for analysis purposes can easily be done. Researchers can use the quantitative information or data collected to calculate or find the measures of central tendencies (mean, median, mode). Information can easily be tracked and calculated. Currently, there are thirteen questions in the survey. However, to have a better glimpse of what employees think or how they feel, the survey should include an additional of three to five more questions. By doing so, researchers can further define the parameters and find the real root of the problem. For instance, if by using the current survey we find that employees are unhappy with the compensation and benefits package; we do not really

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