
Employee Benefits - Health Care Compliance Risks

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Employee Benefits - Health Care Compliance Risks At the end of 2014, PYB has 87 full-time and 28 part-time workers. With recent company success, PYB will continue to hire new employees to accommodate for higher production. However, with the passing of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, PYB is currently not in health care compliance by not providing “adequate health care coverage to their employees. ” Since PYB has 50 or more full time employees, they are required to provide minimal coverage or pay the “sledgehammer tax” of $2,084 per full-time employee that is eligible for coverage. There also needs to be a determination of analyzing the health of current employees. This can be determined if PYB wants to implement a fully insured, self-funded or hybrid self-funded health plan for their employees. Solution: With the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, companies have been pressed to make a calculated move. With our consultative services and an established HR solution team, we will do a thorough cost benefit analysis to determine whether should provide an employee benefit plan or pay the tax. However, we strongly recommend that companies do offer some sort of comprehensive benefit plan to their employees because it improves employee health, wellness, recruiting and productivity. With that being said, providing a health care plan to employees can be extremely expensive. Recent mergers between health care providers Anthem & Cigna and Aetna & Humana will change the

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