
Emperor Nero Research Paper

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Emperor Nero Emperor Nero ruled from 54 A.D until his death by suicide 14 years later. His birth name was Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus. His mother, Agrippina the Younger, was a sister of Emperor Caligula. Nero was a great-nephew of Emperor Claudius. He was also related to the Roman politician and general, Mark Antony. Emperor Claudius had two sons from several marriages, and after marrying Agrippina, he adopted Nero. One of his sons died when he was younger and while the other son, Britannicus lived, Claudius liked Nero better as an Emperor. He made Nero his heir to the throne. After Claudius died in 54 AD, Nero became the Roman emperor. When Nero became emperor, he was only 17 years old and was the youngest Roman Emperor at the time. …show more content…

He began working alongside Claudius learning about the government of Rome. He even addressed the Roman Senate at a young age. Nero started out as a good emperor. He supported the arts, built many public buildings, and lowered taxes. But, as his reign continued, Nero became progressively worse. He had anyone he didn't like executed. He started to act crazy and to act more as an artist than an emperor. He spent a lot of money on big parties and started to perform his poetry and music in public. In 54 AD, Emperor Claudius died. Many sources believe that Nero's mother poisoned Claudius so her son would be emperor. Nero's mother wanted to rule Rome through her son. She tried to influence his policies and gain power for herself. Eventually, Nero got tired of his mother's influence and refused to listen to her. Agrippina got mad and started to plot against Nero. In response, Nero murdered her. In 64 AD, a huge fire swept across Rome destroying a lot of the city. One story tells about how Nero played the fiddle while watching Rome burn. Most sources agree that this is not true. However, there were rumors at the time that Nero had started the fire in order to make room for his new

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