
Empathy In Ender's Game

Decent Essays

As with any species, our cultural experiences shape how we think and thus how we act. We are also bound to describing reality by certain forms of logic. Recognition of how we understand communication through logic and how our experiences influence our perceptions only allows us partial comprehension of truly understanding difference. It would be more accurate to describe these ideologies as liaisons for grasping the much more wholesome complexity of encounters. This transcendent understanding of the interactions between species can only be fulfilled upon realization of empathy and its implications. The story of Ender’s Game acts as a foundational element in describing how empathy can lead to a true and more real understanding of alterity. …show more content…

Ender is different from all others of his species in that he is pretty much the genius of the human race. The main trait that differentiates his genius from others is his innate ability for compassion. In contrast, the commanders of the human species in charge of protecting the human race from the alien buggers have a much shallower genius (Card 252-253). While they are brilliant in terms of military strategy they only view the buggers as a systemic threat to human life. As Graff, a higher order commander states, “When it comes down to it, the real decision is inevitable: If one of us has to be destroyed, let’s make damn sure we’re the ones alive in the end” (Card 253). This quote symbolizes the evolutionary way of thinking that focuses on survival. It is essentially Darwinism that drives all of the human’s interactions with the buggers. It is only ender who uses true intellect to question humanities actions on the basis that a highly advanced race like the buggers must have some form of communication. Enders thought process comes not only his ability to see from an opposite perspective, but also from an innate human characteristic that seems to be so scarce in this book. That characteristic is called empathy. Empathy is defined as the ability to share feelings with others and ender was the only one able to do this with the buggers without a clear form of

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