
Emotional Behavior: Preparing Scenarios

Satisfactory Essays

Attendees: Ray Onyesoh (HWE), Elizabeth Gigabte (CM), Mrs.Lachance (Mother) Matthew Lachance (youth)
Objective: BHH- HWE participated in Matthew's FTF at their family residence.
Medications: Risperdal 05mg TID, BID Melatonin 6mg HS and PRN Vistaril 25-50mg ER Visit: None
Days missed from school: None
Chronic pain: None
Upcoming medical appointment: None
Discussion: Mrs. Lachance reported that Matt continues to struggle with managing anxiety. She stated that Matt is able to be redirected with prompts and implementing his coping skills. Matt reported that he is doing well academically and has joined the Xbox and mind craft club in school. Matt informed the team that he will be attending Animal shelter and soup kitchen in the upcoming week. …show more content…

He is also working on independence and living skills with Phenoix Behavioral Health.
Plans: BHH-HWE will continue to provide health and wellness support to Matt and his family. The next meeting will be scheduled in conjunction with the

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