
Emotional And Behavioral Disorders : An Emotional Or Behavioral Disorder

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An emotional or behavioral disorder is an emotional disability that is characterized by an inability to build or maintain satisfactory interpersonal relationships with peers and or teachers (). Where some children can be eligible and receive special education or related services that are under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, also known as IDEA and if their disability meets the requirements of the law. Internalizing problems vary from depression and anxiety, which can lead to the child’s under-identification; that many children with emotional disturbance tend to suffer from. Students with emotional and behavioral disorders are at risk for lower grades, and possibly dropping out of school.

A student with emotional and behavioral problems can express a wide range of characteristics. Where some students can possibly have mood disorders, such as depression other can experience intense feelings of anger or frustration. And individual students can react to these things in different ways from one another. That all children are not the same even though they can possibly have the same disorder, they can all react to it in a different way and sometimes similar to one another. But they also control it in their own way as well. It is believed that students with emotional disturbance who are currently eligible to receive special education services represent only a small portion of the students with mental health needs. While most mental health experts estimate that

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