
Emily Dickinson Death Be Not Proud Essay

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“To the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure.” (-J.K. Rolling, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone). Truly, death is an unknown area where no human being who lives ever discovered. People fear and think about death because they do not know what they will face after they die. John Donne and Emily Dickinson were two of those who meditated on the topic of death. They expressed their ideas about death in their poems. Donne declared his idea of death as a miserable and powerless being while Emily Dickinson described it as a kind gentleman and a strange mystery. In his poem “Death Be Not Proud” (Donne), John Donne lists the reasons why people should not fear death. He ridicules death by declaring that it is not as mighty or dreadful as people think. He even pities death, for it cannot kill anyone but can only make people sleep for a moment. He also declares that after the moment of sleep caused by death, he will enjoy much pleasure. By boasting the peace and rest he will get after he dies, he disgraces death. Lastly he disgraces death that it will die when he rises up and live eternally. By listing the reasons why people should not fear death, he encourages them to fight against the terror of death. …show more content…

She states that death came gently to the narrator to escort her. When she describes death’s gentleness she explains that it never rode the hoarse carriage hastily. Then she describes about the journey that death and the narrator took. She expresses the joy and pleasure that the narrator felt during the trip with death as if she dated with a gentleman. She also describes the beautiful scenery of children in the school that the narrator saw on the road with death. Emily Dickinson narrates the story of wonderful time that the narrator had with death on their

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