
Emile Durkheim 's Influence On Society

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Emile durkheim was a prominent french sociologist of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. This was the time when the sociologist like Karl marx and Max webber were on its peak and At the same time Durklheim was credited with great prestige principle founders of sociolgy. His philosophy has worked like fusion in society which was related from an individual to whole society.he claimed that socity is a “Sui Generis” Reality or a reality unique which is called ruductinist method. Durkheim highly criticised the reductionist methoeds of social beheiviour. According to him the social phenomena are “social facts “ and these are the subject of matter of sociology. But any reality of society can only undertood through sociological terms but it never be an explanation on the biological and Psychosocial level. Durkheim stressed at the point that human society should be understood through social facts and this can be achieve through studyibg scitficaly the human society. For showing his argument right , he developed a new methodlogy defined as “social facts” which based on elements of collective life which is able to make an influence on the individual. The meaning of social facts is much about moral rules , which are the collection of some effective rules and guides to control the humans immorality but internalized in the conciouness of individuals but its very unique character is that indepndecy of individuals. In this way, the main difficulty is not to

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