
Emergency Management Proposal Essay

Decent Essays

Why the Emergency Management Program you may ask? Well, I’m not certain how to answer that question myself. I do know however, that I want to make a difference in this world. I have always been a confidant to both friends and strangers alike and helped out in any situation, whether its listening to my peers or just providing moral support. I guess you could say its in my nature, which is one of the many reasons why I choose this field. Ever since the disasters of Katrina and 9/11 I have found myself fascinated by the way the world is evolving in particular areas such counter-terrorism and disaster relief. I find the response of each country/culture unique in its on way because if you closely observe their responses, they each provide insight into their cultures by their actions. …show more content…

Don’t get me wrong I understand that every fight to protect is a lose/win situation, but if giving the chance I would love to be there to fight against any injustice. I believe that if we want a brighter future for our children then it is up to us to provide it for them by setting the foundation now. We need to start imparting the skills that the older generations implanted in us.For example,teaching them that helping someone else who maybe struggling is not a sign of weakness or giving your last to someone who has far less than you is a caring act of humanity not a sign of pity.Hopefully,one day the younger generations will stand together to fight these injustice actions that seem to be more prevalent than

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