
Embryonic Stem Cell Research Opinion Essay

Decent Essays

Growing up in a Catholic home, where we attend weekly Mass, confession often, and observe holy days of obligation, I have learned and been taught what the Catholic Church believes is right. As I continue to grow older, I believe that the Catholic Church is correct on all of the “hot” issues: abortion, euthanasia, stem cell research, etc. The topic of embryonic stem cell research is a difficult issue to take sides on. On the positive side, this research can lead to medical advances and being able to cure diseases that we would otherwise not have been able to. On the negative side, by using embryonic stem cells, we are killing living organisms, to be more specific, human beings. The Catholic Church “appreciates and encourages the progress of the biomedical sciences which open up unprecedented therapeutic prospects.” However, the Catholic Church also believes that all human life deserves our utmost respect (Embryonic Stem Cell). Well then what do we do? Personally, I believe embryonic stem cell …show more content…

I think that my religious beliefs has helped to form this idea that embryonic stem cell research is unethical and immoral. My position on this topic will never change because someday I may be a parent, an aunt, or even a grandmother, I cannot begin to imagine losing a relative or child due to research. Will it eventually help society and create cures we otherwise would not have? Yes; however, killing unborn, defenseless babies is something that I will never agree with. Embryonic stem cell research, while it has its benefits, is immoral and unethical to do in today’s time. This major issue in today’s society, does not force us to make a choice between science and ethics or science and religion. Rather it gives us a choice as to how we go forward in scientific and medical progress (Embryonic Stem

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