
Emako Blue Gun Violence Quotes

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Gun Violence: Accessibility of Guns “My friend Emako Blue was supposed to be a star” laments Monterey, from the novel Emako Blue, by Brenda Woods (124). The fifteen-year-old singer Emako, who lives in hood of South Central Los Angeles, struggles to accomplish her dreams and stay out of the crossfire of her brother’s gang activity. Although it is common where she is from, because she lives in one of the less fortunate areas of South Central Los Angeles. However, it is still not acceptable. The novel was written from the prospective of her friends, Eddie, Jamal, Monterey, and Savannah. Emako was the only one Jamal truly cared for, who understood Eddie’s burdens, and was Monterey’s best friend. Emako had dreams of being a singer and was close to a record deal. One afternoon, Emako and Monterey came home and saw her brother sitting on the couch. Emako was upset because her brother was a troublemaker, brought many problems to her family, and began expressing to her mother how she felt. Monterey needed the house phone and Emako’s Brother had it outside on the porch. When Emako walked outside to ask her brother for the house phone she was shot in a drive by shooting by the member of a one of her brothers gang rivals. Emako died …show more content…

Woods’ novel raises questions about the effects gun violence has on communities, which leads into how it can have negative mental effects on children, and how more laws should be passed for the expansion of

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