
Elodea Lab Report

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The Effect of Different Light Colors on Elodea and the Production of Oxygen Through Photosynthesis

Introduction: Life could not exist without oxygen and one of easiest ways for oxygen production is through photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process that converts solar energy into chemical energy which can then be used by the autotroph, an organism that can sustain itself without consuming another organism. Photosynthesis as an energy source is mainly used by green plants. The equation for photosynthesis is 6CO2 + 6H2O + light energy = C6H12O6 + 6O2, which is an endergonic reaction as it requires light energy. Carbon dioxide enters the plant and leaves the plant as oxygen through complicated systems known as Photosystem II and Photosystem I. …show more content…

The Elodea is the independent variable and what is being used to show how oxygen is produced, both in cellular respiration and O2 production. This is crucial to understand as it has a hold on numerous aspects of science today. R. Anton Hough researched the photosynthetic, respiration, and organic carbon release properties on the same organism that this lab used, Elodea Canadensis. In his experiment, he analyzed how Elodea would respond to different environments and to find the best environment for the organism. (Hough, 1979) The goal of this experiment is to understand that different colored light bulbs and environments can either negatively or positively affect an organism. It was hypothesized that Elodea would perform better in certain wavelengths and that the green wavelength of light would produce the least amount of oxygen due to plants reflecting green

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