
Ellison Youth Personal Statement

Decent Essays

I have always loved working with children. My first job was at Ellison Youth Inc. summer camp and I was a counselor. I interacted with campers between the ages of six through ten. Based on the managers observed she offered me a position during the school year with the after school program. Any environment I’m in I always seem to gravitate towards children and this is when I learned that working with children was my passion. Prior to this time I had no idea this was my passion I knew I just knew I enjoyed working with kids. There was always a sense of self-gratification. So when I found out I was pregnant I was in for a treat. I was always with other people’s children and now I was going to have one that will be here with me every second of the day. I was not able to give this one back; this child will not be with me for a small duration of time this child will be with me forever. I knew I had to make sure my child will be well-rounded. Meaning that he or she will have compassion for others, create and maintaining an academic foundation and possessing values. I had to make …show more content…

So it was important for me to identify and maintain the things that I thought were best to reach my goal of raising my child successfully. I decided that will implement a schedule, be firm on the expectations and acknowledge behaviors that will result in consequences. I had to be fair, remembering when I was young and not having an opportunity to express my feelings and have a say in what was more desirable for me. I made a conscious decision earlier on that I will not put stress of that nature onto my child. Finally, my parenting style will establish a safe boundary between being firm and friendly. I believe that firm communication can exist without screaming profusely and making any child feel as if there inferior to the world. I believe that you do not have to break down some before you will actually build them

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