
Ellc Standard 5 Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

ELCC Standard 5 As an educator the decisions that are made should be with the students’ best interest in mind. Standard 5 has given me more knowledge and ability to promote the success of all students by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner. Modeling school principles of self-awareness, safeguarding the values of equity, and diversity, and promoting social justice within the schools are all elements of standard 5. ELCC 5.1. Part of my vision as an administrator is linked to standard 5.1. I must act with integrity and fairness to ensure a school system of accountability for every student’s academic and social success. I used data collected from 2014 fifth grade literacy scores to compare achievement between black and white students in our school. There were more white students that scored proficient and advanced than black students. There was a gap but now a major gap. As an administrator I will provide each student with an equal opportunity to participate in the learning process. I vow to work with administrators, teachers, staff, and …show more content…

A part of my job as administrator is to work with students on keeping ethical standards throughout their lives. I work with others at my school to instill character building skills. We have a character word for the month that is posted in every classroom and other parts of the school. Part of my job as an administrator will be to work with teachers and how they relate to the students. During my Successful School Observation I was able to pick up on the teachers’ attitudes about teaching with the way they spoke to the students and about the students. Most of the teachers were working really well with the students. There were two or three who, if I was their administrator, would be placed on probation or written up because of the way they talk to the students. Belittling students is a big NO! NO! All students deserve to be treated with respect even on our worst days as

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