
Eliezer Wiesel's Night

Decent Essays

Introduction When I first began reading Eliezer Wiesel’s book Night I could not help but think about how someone that had suffered so much is able to write a book about what they lived through in the holocaust death camps as a teenager. When you think “teenager” you think rebellious, snotty and maybe even immature, you would never, in a thousand years, think about a teenager having to arrive with their family to the place where they will never see each other again because they are separated and sent to gas chambers. After watching the video Oprah and Elie Wiesel at Auschwitz, I’m still in disbelief about the fact that having undergone through so much pain and misery, to say the least, Elierzer says that he “had anger but never hate” for his …show more content…

Also, as someone that grew up in a household where we were always told to not take materialistic things for granted, students need to realize that democratic establishments and values are not automatically sustained, but need to be valued, cherished, and protected. Another vital point, it is important for students to know that the holocaust did not happen by accident, rather it happened because individuals and governments made choices that not only legalized discrimination but also allowed prejudice, hatred, and ultimately mass murder to …show more content…

You can’t help but feel depressed and greatly reflect on how this universe and humanity works. It still tough to imagine that something so depraved actually happened. I have to say that the section that essentially torn my heart into pieces was towards the end of the book. Eliezer’s dad was so ill and near death, he literally pleaded his son for some water and just knowing how dedicated Eliezer was to his father at the beginning, towards the end I kind of had a sense of recentness because of the continuous demand on him. “I gave him what was left of my soup. But my heart was heavy. I was aware that I was doing it unwillingly” (Wiesel, 2006, p. 107), at this point I think it’s where it really shows how desperate the situation

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