
Eliezer Wiesel Character Analysis

Decent Essays

Lauren: Lauren is a 25 year old journalist for the newspaper St. Louis Times. Her most recent project is to interview a Holocaust survivor about how they managed to keep living during the holocaust and how did their beliefs change. She is a Christian who believes in God and reads the bible constantly. She is open to other people’s beliefs but when she imagines herself in the Holocaust she sees herself dead.
Eliezer Wiesel: Eliezer is a Holocaust survivor. He was taking into the concentration camp while he was still a little boy. His childhood was practically taken away from him before he even knew it. He is now 63 years old and has recently been in contact with Lauren. He knows that the topic is going to be hard for him to discuss but he feels …show more content…

He is family oriented and believes that religion should be a big part of anyone’s life. He is catholic and faithfully attends his church’s masses on Friday and Sunday. He has been doing his daily prayer faithfully for about fourteen years now and doesn’t plan to stop soon.

Scene One: The Introduction:
It is five o’clock in St. Louis, Missouri. Lauren is patiently waiting to meet the infamous Eliezer Wiesel for the first time. Every time an elderly man enters she get excited. This continues as about 7 more elderly men enter the restaurant. Finally, at 5:34 Eliezer walks in the door. A feeling of relief suddenly over comes Lauren and then she gets up to introducer herself to Mr. Wiesel.
Lauren: Hi Mr. Wiesel, I’m Lauren and I would like to say thank you for coming to talk to me tonight about the events that you have had to witness throughout your life in Europe.
Eliezer: Oh no. The pleasure is all mine. It’s about time for the world to know how it really was during that time-period. Before they can continue a hostess calls their name to escort them to their table. The two decide to order before they start the interview so there wouldn’t be too many distractions. The two continue to have small talk at this

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