
Eleven By Sandra Cisneros Essay

Decent Essays

The struggles of teenagers and young children currently in school are displayed in the story “Eleven.” This problem is so prevalent because of the fixed age difference between students and teachers. Some students may feel like they have no authority or say in a classroom when arguing with their teacher. Sandra Cisneros describes in her writing the feeling of being out-of-place and shy. This relates to many kids today, even myself. When discussed after reading this as a class, we all felt sympathy for the girl and understood where she was coming from. Fixing this issue is something that simply cannot be done. Age difference will always be a fixed factor and will not change anything. However, the attitude coming from a student and a teacher …show more content…

However, kids do not just give up like this. Their minds don’t work that way. Rachel wanted to put up a fight but never thought ahead of the consequences. She never expected to cry in front of the whole class, especially on her birthday! Maturity is a cure to this issue, but at age eleven not many are that mature. The other kids in the class were quite a factor as well. Although it was not clearly stated, they created a great reason for Rachel to deal with this trauma. To start off with, Sylvia Saldivar was the one who originally pointed out the sweater to be Rachel’s. When in reality it wasn’t, and Rachel knew this and Sylvia probably did too but was expecting an entertaining reaction out of Rachel with the teacher. This was never stated either, but Sylvia was a troublemaker since the start! She was hoping for this scenario to occur. Kids and teens all over the world will deal with this issue. Teachers are simply too old to relate to us, and we are simply too old to relate to them. Entirely, at least. Some teachers, young and old, do understand where we’re coming from. They recognize the problems we’re dealing with and understand how we feel because they went through it too. Although it’s not common for teachers and students to connect on certain things, it does

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