
Electronic Medical Record ( Emr )

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I. Background

When the Obama government pushed for the automation of Electronic Medical Record (EMR), hospitals and private practices were required to follow the government mandate to avail of the incentives and at the same time to qualify for Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements. Moving from paper to electronic records was a monumental tasks not only in the implementation of the software but also in training all hospital providers to properly use the EMR.
In 2010, the University of Maryland Medical System (UMMS) decided to switch its current system to Epic to consolidate its variety of applications and most important of all to streamline billing. With this new endeavor, the administration needed to build a new department to …show more content…

All providers are paid for the time they will be spending in classes. Without sacrificing the quality of training, and not to endanger lives of the patients because of misuse of the EMR, the call to utilize current technology to deploy some classes asynchronously will reduce classroom training time.
III. The Training Department
The manager of the training department envisions training to split into asynchronous and synchronous. The basic functionality of the EMR can be taught using E-Learning courses, and a more personal approach will be a face to face training. He is “responsible for all the subsystem that lead to the design, delivery and implementation of the program.” (Moore & Kearseley, 2012, p.18).
The new training department will be divided into two entities. The 1st entity comprises of Instructional Designers who are responsible for developing classroom materials. They are called the IT Training Team. The 2nd entity is composed of Instructional Technologists who are responsible of building E-Learning materials, a Learning Management System administrators and Quality Assurance personnel who check grammar and test the deployed E-Learning courses. They are called the E-Learning Team.
The E-Learning Team is tasked to pick the right technology to meet the high demand of training. They will choose the applications to build the E-Learning courses, a robust LMS to house them and track down training completion, and utilize the Web 2.0

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