Using electronic mediated communication, such as text messages can be a great way to communicate. However, when beginning a relationship, face-to-face contact can be the most intimate way to get to know each other. When a person pours “their all” (everything about them including life events) in a text message, one cannot be taken serious. You have to find common ground. “For many people, texting is a major source of relationship communication. People age 17 to 25 tend to text their romantic interests more than older individuals do,” (Coyne, Stockdale, Busby, Iverson, & Grant, 2011). You have given him so much in a text message that he has not been given the opportunity to learn anything about you in verbal conversation. There is no way you …show more content…
When you like someone, you make plans to meet, have dinner, or meet for coffee. The simple fact that he refuses or avoid this could mean he is not disclosing something, such as another relationship. He does not necessarily have to disclose everything about himself because your interaction is just text message. How can you tell he likes you when you have never seen him smile at you? Or wink at you? Or even kissed you? Self-disclosure increases the needs to reduce any uncertainties in a relationship. In your case, you are not in a relationship, not even in a situation however, the lack thereof should determine whether you should continue pursuing your work crush beyond the text messages. You cannot even post on FACEBOOK about your new relationship. Seriously, after two weeks he should have “made a move”, such as invite you to a movie or dinner. You have shown signs of the Uncertainty Reduction Theory. The Uncertainty Reduction Theory defined by Charles Berger and Richard Calabrese as, “one of the only communication theories that specifically looks into the initial interaction between people prior to the actual communication process. The theory asserts the notion that, when interacting, people need information about the other party in order to reduce their uncertainty. In gaining this information people are able to predict the other's behavior and resulting actions, all of which according to the theory is crucial in the development of any relationship,” (Berger & Calabrese, 1975). Your letter has indicated you have made passive and active uncertainty reduction theory strategies to determine if you want to continue with texting your “work
Emails and text messages are an easy form of communication when it allows you to take a breather, think about your response, especially if the message sent to you is in a negative approach. There will always be those negatives and positives in any given situation, and change is never perfect, we will progress and we will fail or even lose progress in what we do. Phone calls do often feel like they have more
When we use technology to interact with others, we lose the ability to express the right emotions that you would express in a face-to-face conversation. When you tell someone how you feel over social media, it is entirely different than how you would tell it to them in person. Emotions that are expressed over social media, can be taken a completely different way than it would be taken if the conversation was face-to-face. For example, if you were having a conversation with a close friend, if you said something sarcastic like “You are such a weirdo.” That message could mean it is funny to you but it could be offensive to the person you are texting. In “The Limits of Friendship”, Konnikova says “We do have a social-media equivalent-sharing, liking, knowing that all your friends have looked at
After reading the chapters as well as the article assigned, my personal opinion to this is that
My MacBook was my essential medium used throughout the day. I used it to Skype my family in England because they were missing America and our oleaginous fast food. I then spent some time on Facebook and started synchronously messaging some of my other cousins that live in LA. What’s interesting was that I was surfing the web at the same time trying to find out who was going to win between Alvarez and Golovkin. Does that make the communication asynchronous? Relatively, but I didn’t respond later than a minute. I then snapped a story trying to get the attention from my fellow snappers on who would win between these pugilists. In regards to my conversations, I only had one phone call on WhatsApp from my girlfriend and it lasted a brief 5 min.
Texting and messaging is our primary method of communication in the modern age. It’s instant and there are no time restraints. What’s not to love? The problem with texting is that it’s incredibly difficult to showcase the best parts of yourself and convey the meaning of your words through a text alone. This is what makes texting such a minefield when it comes to romance.
1. Do you believe mediated communication allows us to express ourselves more freely since we are not face to face? Use an example from the video to support your answer.
We first melt face to face in church, and them we interact by first introducing our name and sharing numbers I anticipated for future interaction in other for me to reduce my uncertainty about him. At first my uncertainty were high, because I did not know much about Emmanuel so therefor I decided to seek more information. We started talking more, sometime we stay up all night talking on the phone, video calling and texting. Asking each other questions; questions such as: interest, goal, values, future and career plans. We also talked about eacher similarity and difference interest, I came to realize that the more we verbally communicated the more my uncertainty about him decrease. I was willing to self-disclosed certain discussion topic with my boyfriend; however I was not sure if he is judgmental. I started liking he and (falling in love) because we shared a lot of
“There are struggles here and there. Some things are taken the wrong way if you 're texting them,like there are instances where I am just asking him a simple question because I 'm curious and he thinks I 'm mad. I 'd say that the biggest struggle is finding a time when he isn 't busy and I 'm not busy to just sit down and focus on each other. There is a two hour time difference, so it makes it tough at times, but I just keep in mind that some
We have two years of difference in age, I’m eighteen and he is twenty years old. This was an interesting fact in our communication. As we grow up, our afternoon talks changed to be more serious and personal. Now, instead of talking about videogames or cartoons, we conversated about girls, school, and personal problems. By this time, our relationship was on the continuation stage or bonding stage. We had no secrets between us. The trust and transparency were crucial. One day, I came from school beaten because I was bullied, so my cousin saw me like that and wanted to help me, in fact, I think he felt worse than I did. Sadly, I moved to Laredo, Texas when I started high school, meaning that we couldn’t see each other daily. I developed new relations in Martin high school, the same way he did in Mexico. It was hard for both of us to make new friends and to say goodbye to each other for some time, but we couldn’t do anything about it. Fortunately, Facebook was available, after all, we didn’t lose communication at all, but our talks were not the same as face to face, and sometimes we had little time to talk because of homework. At this point, our relation declined and started its deterioration/stagnating
Communication 207Contemporary Media Communications provided topics that are often overlooked, but are quite significant. Most of the time things that we see and hear can help develop our attitudes towards a group of people or a topic without determining if these ideas are factual. The course exposed the responsibility of the media, as well as how voices are excluded, and ways groups can be included. This course required the class to perform research that would influence the way we interpret what the media offers to the public. Also, the impact of new forms of communication were explored. Forms of alternative and social media, which are in their infancy and these platforms will continue to develop. So, students in COM 207 are already aware
First one is “the person who cares less has all the power. Nobody wants to be the one who’s more interested”. You can’t show interested or you probably will lose the person. With this, happens a little psychological game like ‘Intentionally take hours or days to text tack’. They aren’t fun. The second is “no making phone calls”, most of your relationship’s communication will happen via text, which is the most detached, impersonal form of interaction. Get familiar with
How does electronic communication affect our social behavior as a whole and our psychological development? Communication is an important part of life. We all do it in a daily basis whether it’s face-to-face or through electronics. Communicating through the internet helps us as it decreases a bit in the time that it would usually take for us to keep in touch with our loved ones. However, it also takes away from the face-to-face interaction we would have with them. One of the most popular ways that people communicate electronically is through text messaging. Just like all the other diverse ways that allows us to communicate electronically such as email, instant messaging, social media etc., text messaging affects us both positively and negatively. Actually we are affected both positively and negatively with just the ability to communicate and interact with others electronically. Electronic Communication tends to affects us socially and psychologically; Socially: in a way that it allows us to keep in touch with our loved ones, especially those who live far from us, however it distracts some of us from our priorities; Psychologically: one can be affected in a
Why was the message that was sent to me in all caps? Is that a way of showing anger? Many get emails or texts or any forms of messages through electronic communication and have no idea what the message is saying or how their tone of voice is. Many have kids who just started using communication or haven’t started at all, and are wondering what to teach their kids about communication. The best solution to this problem is to teach using face to face communication. In the old days, talking face to face was the way to go. They would walk or drive somewhere and meet up just to have a conversation. Now a day we rely on electronics. Even though sending emails is easy, talking face to face helps understand people in a more formal manner. Are these
by CMC, all forms of CMC should be studied. This paper examines Cummings et al.’s
Technology is great for sending quick messages but shouldn’t be a place where we are always communicating. In order to have more authentic relationships we shouldn’t use technology for creating relationships because you truly can’t learn about one another if you’re not communicating in real life as well. What we put out on social media is often times fabricated or enhanced to depict a life that we aspire. We can edit text or pictures to our discretion and even delete images or texts, which we can’t do in real life, which is why we tend to prefer texting and social media because we have