
Electronic Mediated Communication In Relationships

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Using electronic mediated communication, such as text messages can be a great way to communicate. However, when beginning a relationship, face-to-face contact can be the most intimate way to get to know each other. When a person pours “their all” (everything about them including life events) in a text message, one cannot be taken serious. You have to find common ground. “For many people, texting is a major source of relationship communication. People age 17 to 25 tend to text their romantic interests more than older individuals do,” (Coyne, Stockdale, Busby, Iverson, & Grant, 2011). You have given him so much in a text message that he has not been given the opportunity to learn anything about you in verbal conversation. There is no way you …show more content…

When you like someone, you make plans to meet, have dinner, or meet for coffee. The simple fact that he refuses or avoid this could mean he is not disclosing something, such as another relationship. He does not necessarily have to disclose everything about himself because your interaction is just text message. How can you tell he likes you when you have never seen him smile at you? Or wink at you? Or even kissed you? Self-disclosure increases the needs to reduce any uncertainties in a relationship. In your case, you are not in a relationship, not even in a situation however, the lack thereof should determine whether you should continue pursuing your work crush beyond the text messages. You cannot even post on FACEBOOK about your new relationship. Seriously, after two weeks he should have “made a move”, such as invite you to a movie or dinner. You have shown signs of the Uncertainty Reduction Theory. The Uncertainty Reduction Theory defined by Charles Berger and Richard Calabrese as, “one of the only communication theories that specifically looks into the initial interaction between people prior to the actual communication process. The theory asserts the notion that, when interacting, people need information about the other party in order to reduce their uncertainty. In gaining this information people are able to predict the other's behavior and resulting actions, all of which according to the theory is crucial in the development of any relationship,” (Berger & Calabrese, 1975). Your letter has indicated you have made passive and active uncertainty reduction theory strategies to determine if you want to continue with texting your “work

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