
Electronic Health Records Providers

Decent Essays

The Electronic Health Record (EHR) is a benefit to providers and patients in several ways. Providers EHR can reduce the risk of medical errors and eliminates the hassle and hazard of lost or erroneous data caused by transcription mistakes. Tracking patient history, medications, procedures and other information is much easier and communicating this information with other providers is much more effective. The EHR can keep the medical facilities schedule on track which creates a better patient experience which can help with patient retention. In an emergency the EHR improves the health related safety of patients which minimizes liability concerns. A higher quality of care is the natural outcome from being able to make a better diagnosis and reduce errors. The …show more content…

Communication between physicians is improved as well as access to all the patients’ medical history. This allows for more comprehensive accurate evaluations and better care. The EHR saves the patient time during the office visit as well as making the appointment more productive. The provider can see test results at the time of the patient encounter and can share results from screenings and imaging tests as well as schedule further tests and verify that other ordered procedures were completed. In the case of a life-threatening medical emergency providers have quick access to a patient’s medical history, blood type and allergy information. This is especially important when the patient is unable to communicate. All of the above mentioned benefits for providers also translate to better more affordable care for patients. Reducing the risk of prescription errors improves patient safety immensely. The EHR spares the patient the inconvenience, discomfort and expense of duplicate tests and procedures. More comprehensive collaboration between providers leads to more accurate diagnosis and better management of chronic conditions. This enhances patient care

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