
Electoral College Fair

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Is the Electoral College a fair and equitable way to elect the president of the United States?
The Electoral College is not a fair way for the president of the United States to be elected. The people should be the reason a person is elected. Citizens know way more of whatś going on in their lives and the needs of everyone around them more than upperclassmen do. I would have to be against the Electoral College in my argument. Proving my point will sound simple because I know many other felt the same after this past election.

Recent Election
This recent election that took place on November 8, 2016 included candidate Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Towards the beginning of the election the results seemed that Hillary would win and was taking …show more content…

It was shown that over half of the votes were not even taken or used in the entirety of the election. Meaning that many votes weren't even considered to be counted for the people who waited hours in line to have their opinion heard, did not get a single say in their future president.
Citizens deserve to be heard
For citizens of the U.S. waiting until the day they turn eighteen years old to be able to have the right to vote, votes not being counted is unacceptable in mine and many others opinion. The rights we have in America is what makes us a free country, ¨land of the free¨, as we say and we citizens take so much pride in all of our rights and freedoms. To have that feeling taken from our right to vote and be heard in what we feel is important, the leader of our entire country, is just wrong.
A group of people in upper class that decide what votes count and what votes do not, is not fair in any way. The people should be heard, citizens that deal with tax or money problems, and everyday struggles of life deserve every right they were promised from the beginning, including voting

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