
Eleanor Roosevelt And The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights

Decent Essays

On December 10, 1948 the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. This declaration, although not legally binding, created “a common standard of achievement of all people and all nations…to promote respect for those rights and freedoms”. This was the document that was considered to bring peace to the conflicts after the war. The Commission on Human Rights was made up of 18 members. Eleanor Roosevelt, widow of American President Franklin D. Roosevelt, chaired the UDHR drafting committee. René Cassin of France, who composed the first draft of the Declaration, the Committee Rapporteur Charles Malik of Lebanon, Vice-Chairman Peng Chung Chang of China, and John Humphrey of Canada, Director of the UN’s Human Rights Division, who prepared the Declaration’s blueprint. Mrs. Roosevelt was recognized as the driving force for the Declaration’s adoption.
Article 6 and 9 stood out to me the most throughout the document. Article 6 states that "Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as person before the law". Article 6 is saying that humans should be recognize and treated like a person in the eyes of the law. We must all be granted the rights and bear the obligations accorded to every person by the law. Laws should not define how a …show more content…

Article 9 talks about making the right assumption of a punishment. No one should be punished for anything without the proof. No one is to be underprivileged of their liberty or exiled from their country without having first committed an actual criminal offense against a legal act. The government cannot remove an individual of their liberty without proper due process of law. You may not be arrested or held in a police station or prison without good purpose. You may not be kept out of your own country. If you are imprisoned, you have the right to challenge the detention in a court of

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