
Elder Abuse Case Study

Decent Essays

Elderly people who suffer with dementia are at an increased risk of experiencing abuse. On the Alzheimer’s website (, March 7) they discuss the reasons for this heightened risk. The site found that the risk is due to the impairment in the person’s cognitive ability, and the fact that this segment of population has issues with their ability to communicate. People with Alzheimer’s are very dependent on their caregivers; whether that be a family member or a long term care facility. This paper will look at the ethical responsibilities of a counsellor to a client who may be suffering from dementia, and who reports abuse. I will look at the connection between elderly people with dementia, and the increased likelihood that they are victims of elder abuse. Evidence of Abuse with Elderly People …show more content…

“Financial abuse and/or exploitation means any act which involves the misuse/abuse of patient’s funds and/or assets.” (p.16) An example of this would be: if a family member stole money from a grandparent’s account without their knowledge. Another type of abuse is physical abuse, Canadian nursing home journal (2006) defines it as: “Physical abuse is defined as any act of violence or rough treatment causing injury, physical discomfort or pain to a patient or resident.” (p.16) An example of this abuse could be leaving an incontinent elderly person in soiled clothing for a long period of time. It could also mean something extreme such as punching, kicking or pushing an elderly person. The last form of abuse this is defined by Canadian nursing home (2006) is emotional abuse which is: “Emotional abuse is defined as any act which may diminish the sense of identity, dignity, or self-worth of the patient.”

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