
El Colombiano

Decent Essays

In the world of advertisement, there are more than a handful of ways to attract the users of social marketing. In the eyes of social marketing they look at this advertisement and would think twice about unlocking their cell phone. This image was created to lessen the amount of people using their cell phones while behind the wheel. This image is a car on the unlock button on iPhones and a truck on the other side. When you slide the unblock button on the cell phone it makes the car crash into the truck, as if that would happen if a cell phone was being used behind the wheel. This particular advertisement caught my eye because it is so simple but yet sends a huge message. El Colombiano creates a memorable image for young adults by using a subtle grey color with a simple design and a recognizable image for the …show more content…

Grey is neither black nor white. “It is the transition between two non-colors. The closer gray gets to black, the more dramatic and mysterious it becomes. The closer it gets to silver or white, the more illuminating and lively it becomes (Scott-Kemmis, np).” The gradient of the gray on the background reinforces the message of the image because grey has no energy or excitement. “It is a color of maturity and responsibility, associated with the gray hair of old age. (Scott-Kemmis, np).” It is not going to catch the reader’s attention but yet it is abnormal for an advertisement to not have any color to it, so it is unique. This simple design has a little picture with a huge message. Gray being a serious color as the background helps sends the message to the reader of how this matter is important. This advertisement is easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty. In the center is only one picture that does not even take over half of the advertisement. The gray tone is a part of the simple design with the unlock button being somewhat gray. The unity of the color scheme keeps the seriousness and simplicity of the

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