
The Role Of The Egyptian Gods In Ra, Geb, And Thoth

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Egyptian gods

Egyptians worshipped gods as part of their religion. They had many gods and built temples to worship them. They also made statues to honor them. There are 3 gods I will be talking about in this paper, Ra, Geb, and Thoth. There are considered main or important gods to the Egyptians.
Ra is the Egyptians main sun god. He was often thought of as the king of gods. He was described as having a falcon head and wearing a sun disc. Sometimes he was drawn as having a beetle’s head too. There are many other forms of him but he in them he is always wearing the sun disc.The sun disc had a sacred snake on it called Uraeus. Egyptians built temples to worship and praise Ra for sunlight. They builts temples that didn’t have roofs, because Ra was often thought of as the sun. Egyptians believed that the Pharaoh was the ‘son of Ra’. His main job was to sail across the heavens in a boat called ‘Baraque of Millions of Years.’ During the ride in the heavens, Ra would fight his main enemy, Apep, an evil serpent, otherwise known as the lord of Chaos.He was occasionally shown as being in the form a cat,Mau, while doing this That is why ctas are so sacred in Egypt.. During the night, Ra traveled in the …show more content…

He was one of the earlier gods. He was also thought of to invent medicine, Egyptian Civil and Religious practices.His head was an ibis and he was sometimes represented as a baboon holding up a crescent moon for baboons were considered as intelligent creatures. In a legend,the sun and moon were Horus’s left and right eyes, in a fight with Set, a storm god, Set injures one of his eye and Thoth restores it, creating the Eyes of Horus, a protections symbol.Thoth was the head of the gods library, along with his wife, Seshat, who was the goddess of writing. Thoth also invented the 365 day calendar which replaced the 360 day calendar they had before

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