
Effects Of Vladimir Lenin On Russia

Good Essays

Emma McKnight
English 1A
Professor Valdes
October 30th, 2017
The Effects of Vladimir Lenin on Russia
Weak and unstable in its revolution and a battle on the Eastern Front, Communism weeded its way into Russia and changed the lives of millions of people. Under the influence of Lenin and his principles events such as the Red Terror, overall famine, and slave labor camps became the country’s reality. Russia participation in the war may have been stopped, but the consequences were much greater. However, this could have never happened without Germany’s interference in the February Revolution of Russia, helping Vladimir Lenin return to Russia with his Marxist ideals and push the provisional government out of office. The effects Communism had on …show more content…

To the Bolsheviks disappointment, the new government kept Russian involvement in The Great War and the two front war stayed persistent for Germany. With Lenin seeking passage into Russia and the government showing no intention of letting him, it wasn’t until Germany’s financial support that he able to sneak into the country via train.
The effects that Lenin’s arrival first had on the Bolsheviks party began with the weakening of the provisional government, primarily ending Russia’s fight in the war. Lenin had been gathering supporters since the 1890s with those apart of the forces in the war, alongside other supporters, travelling worldwide and spreading his word of Marxist ideals and a Russia that was no longer wrapped up in World War One. It wasn’t long before he garnered enough manpower to seize control and caused a great deal of uproar when he had turned the Russian Army against the Russian provisional government to completely wash Prime Minister Kerensky out. After seizing railroad stations, telegraph lines, and government offices, and subsequently sending out the people-elected provisional government, Lenin was able to intimidate the elected government out of office and have control.
But the people were upset, their votes for Kerensky were ignored and it would only be the beginning for more strife. Once in office, he sought to end the conflict with Germany and achieved this through the Treaty of

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