
Effects Of The Cost Of Living In The 1950's

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The traumatic way how the cost of living from the 1950’s and the cost of living know really allows people to see how much the world has changed over the years. In the 1950’s the dollar value was much different from it is known for example one dollar in the 1950’s is about 9.50 in our time period. Money really is a major effect of how the lives of those in the 1950’s and the life people live now in the 20th century. Could money really be a major effect of how people live know and how they use to live? Is money really a major factor of how people live our lives day to day in today's world or even in the 1950’s? For example back in the 1950’s the average income for a middle class citizen was two thousand nine hundred ninety two dollars annually …show more content…

In the 1950’s a normal middle class person would pay 75 dollars a month and would pay the home for 15 years at max and the home value would be around 3,500 dollars. From paying 3,500 dollars for a house in the 50’s to now homes being from 99,000 dollars in poor communities to being up to 4 million dollars at a time in high end communities. Over the years homes have really been updated to current laws and have gone up on prices since the 50’s. Homes have dramatically gone from many families being able to afford them to families now struggling just to put enough down payment for them to have a reasonable monthly pay. Cars was another major thing that really hit big in the 1950’s. From Frods,hotrods,nascars, and drag racing cars to these were the major cars that really hit big during the 50’s. Hot rods really changed the culture during the 50’s after WWII ended hot rods became even more popularly then when the war started. Cars were a major part of life for all those people that lived during the 50’s and cars were used for many things to such as movie drive-ins, fast food foods and for cruising around. Cars were also very affordable during the 50’s because many families were able to have at least one car per family. Cars during the 50’s didn’t have really nothing fancy, they just had the fuel gauge, oil gauge, and the tachometer compared to cars now a days that have buletooth, installed invagation, montion censors, camreas inside and outside the cars and they even have much more features than cars in the 50’s. Gas

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