
Effects Of Police On Crime

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I. Introduction “If the work of police and prosecutors and prison guards is not effecting in preventing crime, what is the social importance of their jobs?” (Zimring, 2007). Law enforcement officers clearly have an impact on crime in America. If they didn’t, society would not require police officer presence. The question is what is police officers effect on crime and which criminal justice approaches and theories will impact crime.

II. Crime in America A. Types of Crimes There are countless numbers of different crimes in the United States from white-collar socio-economic crimes to the more pervasive street crimes. When talking about types of crime in the United States, we are referencing two categories of crime, violent crime and property crime. Violent crimes consist of murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault. These are crimes that involve some type of force on a human being in order to be committed (Worrall, 2015). Property crimes consist of burglary, larceny-theft, motor vehicle theft, and arson (FBI, 2016). Some examples of property crimes are shoplifting, credit card theft, and auto theft (Worrall, 2015). B. Crime Rates Crime has fallen dramatically over the last 10 years, according to the Federal Bureau of Investigations. According to the latest FBI annual compilation of crime statistics in the United States, 2016, violent crime in the United States has increased 4.1 percent as compared to 2015, and property crimes have decreased 1.3 percent as

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