
Effects Of Free Will In Macbeth

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Macbeth Analysis Humans are affected by everything and everyone around them regardless of who or what it is.They are affected by others in the choices they make, the foods they eat, where they go, and who they will be. Because people are affected by everything and everyone, do they ultimately have free will? Free will is "the ability to choose how to act" (Merriam-Webster, para 1). The Tragedy of Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare, attempts to understand to what extent humans have free will. Three things affect humans free will: religion, friends/family, and their desires. Choices others make affect everyone around them regardless of intentions; this is what many refer to as the "Butterfly effect." The Butterfly effect is "The scientific theory that a single occurrence, no matter how small, can change the course of the universe forever" (Butterfly+effect para 1). How one chooses to interact with those around them will ultimately affect everyone in some way. In The Tragedy of Macbeth William Shakespeare uses diction and metaphors to represent how people’s free will is affected by religious groups, friends/family, and their personal desires. Throughout The Tragedy of Macbeth William Shakespeare …show more content…

Consequences are, “The effect, result, or outcome of something occurring” (dictionary, 1). The word consequence, isn’t a negative term, however, how one chooses to conduct themselves determine what the consequence will be. Macbeth decides to murder people, which leads to a negative consequence, such as guilt, fear and losing his mind. Though Macbeth was able to become king he lost his control over the kind of man he was. He went from a hero to a tyrant who was power hungry. Desires, when acted upon, create situations that influence who people are. People are judged based on their desires and choices, and each time one chooses something consequences will

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