
Effects Of Cycled Lighting On Delirium Essay

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The Effects of Cycled Lighting on Delirium in Adult Critically Ill Patients Delirium continues to be a major concern in the adult intensive care setting, as many as 60-80 percent of patients on mechanical ventilation and 20-50 percent of patients without mechanical ventilation are affected by delirium through their course of treatment (Brummel & Girard, 2013). Delirium is a serious concern for intensive care units (ICU) given the detrimental consequences it can lead to. It is associated with actions that can compromise the safety of the patient, such as self-extubation and an increased rate of the use of patient restraints, it can lead to longer hospital stays along with an increase in mortality rates (Brummel & Girard, 2013). Further, another factor to consider is the possible residual long-term cognitive impairment it often leads to (Rivosecchi, Kane-Gill, Svec, Campbell, & Smithburger, 2016). Based on the prevalence of delirium in adult critical care patients, it is evident that new interventions must be explored in order to reduce its incidence. In current studies, one of the proposed interventions to alleviate this issue is through the implementation of cycled lighting, in an effort to improve patients’ sleep patterns, which in turn reduce the incidence of delirium (Chong, Tan, Tay, Wong, & Ancoli-Israel, 2013). (Mireya) Current Practice Yuma Regional Medical Center (YRMC) does not currently have a standardized delirium prevention protocol or policy

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