
Effectiveness Of Successful Resilience Programs For Nurses

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Shortcomings in the Literature

Although CF and resilience are relatively new areas of research, there are several studies that cite their importance and benefit to combatting illness, nursing and patient quality of life, and retention rates. As mentioned previously, CF adversely affects both nursing retention rates, as well as patient outcomes. Hart, Brannan, and Chesnay felt a majority of factors in patient dissatisfaction were the same factors that increased stress in nurses; thus, patient and nurse quality of life are inseparably tied together. Preliminary studies show that resilience strengthening classes for nurses significantly alleviates CF rates. However, no studies to date try to link these classes for nurses with patient outcomes. Patients who have more resilience have better outcomes, especially long-term and with regard to their families. Research should be done to examine whether successful resilience programs for nurses also affect both patient outcomes and patient resilience levels. If these are significantly benefited by resilience programs, then resilience programs for nurses will have a greater reputation among healthcare organizations. If both nursing and patient outcomes are benefited, the cost-effectiveness and necessity of these programs will be realized, as well as advancement in healthcare efficacy.
Methods and Procedure
Given the previous research on CF and resilience within nursing and patient outcomes, a two-part study developed to

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